Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This I Believe...

I believe in the power of nature.  When I lay in the grass with the sun wrapping around my skin like a warm blanket and the wind whispering in the background, I am where I should be.  When I stand on a mountainside and I gaze out upon the stretch of trees I am overcome with a sense of insignificance.  When I see a coyote trotting quietly through the desert brush I see another world. 

My daily world is not one where I feel in touch with nature.  I sit in air conditioned buildings with fluorescent artificial light, and aside from the short walk across a parking lot to my car I do not get to spend a lot of time outside. 

Monday, May 23, 2011


“Chauvinist. C-H-A-U-V-A-N-I-S-T...right, Mom?”
“Close, sweetie, only one letter off!”

I was in second grade sitting around the dinner table with my family talking about my P.E. teacher.  Who knows now what his chauvinistic offenses were, but 8-year-old Jennifer was pissed, not to mention a fabulous speller.  No doubt my mom was proud.